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Mobile Lab Thesis

  1. Prototyping and development of an agumented reality application based on the iPhone platform.

  2. Prototyping and development of a "social reading" application of for eBooks based on the iPhone platform.

  3. Prototyping and development of a client / server application for managing context-aware reminders based on the iPhone platform.

  4. Prototyping and development of an application of geolocalized social networking for "movie sharing" based on the iPhone or Android platforms.

  5. Prototyping and development of an application for context based address-book based on the iPhone or Android platforms.

  6. Development of software applications for mobile Augmented Reality (AR tag, virtual reality, robot Rovio APIs)

  7. Development of a client-server framework to enable the creation / customization of AR services by third-party

  8. Development of an AR guidebook (AR eguide) based on content (epub / pdf) readable by Android e-reader and viewable from the camera (in AR mode):

    •       Viewing multimedia user-generated content (eg graffiti) on ebook.
    •       Sending of AR postcards (with text added / modified by the mobile terminal) to enrich the eguide.
    •       Automatic opening of the eguide based on the user context.

  9. Study of algorithms for exporting a pre-existing content, in digital format, to HTML5 by preserving the original formatting designed by the author.

For info contact  Maurizio Morisio
Last updated: Semptember 30, 2010