Politecnico di Torino

Software Engineering Group


Group Router (GURU) server installation


GURU server is launched with other servers using the start-up application, but if you want to configure the groups hierarchy and memberships you have to run the following applications contained in the servers package:

- Administrator Application has to be used by the UNIK system administrator because it offers important functionalities, like the "Create/Destroy Types” that is used to create new kind of groups and roles, choosing the group name, the group number, the role name and the role number.

With the “Add/Remove Group” you can create an instance of a group in the system, choosing one of the available types created before, assigning a user to the role of Administrator of this group instance. This application includes also the service configuration application used to configure the services available in the SUBscription server.

- GroupManagement application is used by a single group administrator in order to add members, roles (i.e. virtual users) and subgroups.

From the user's view there are different ways to call a group of users, using a SIP client or a phone terminal; in the first case you may put in the "TO" field of the SIP client three different kind of identifiers:

1) if you want to call all the members of a group, waiting the answer of the first available, you have to fill the "TO" field in this way:


where "sip:" is mandatory, "all" is a special word that GURU associates to all members of a group, "group" is the group identifier, "." is the group separator that you have chosen in the configuration of the CH server, "domain" is the domain in which UNIK is deployed (e.g. "polito.it").

2) if you want to call a role within a group, waiting the answer of the user that currently owns this role, you have to fill the "TO" field in this way:


where "sip:" is mandatory, "role" is a role defined within the group "group" and currently associated to one or more members, "." is the group separator, "domain" is the domain in which UNIK is deployed (e.g. "polito.it").

3) if you want to call a user, you have to fill the "TO" field in this way:


where "user" is the username given to the user during the subscription phase.

If you want to call from a phone terminal you have to dial a number that depends by your PBX number and by the number assigned to your vocal gateway; for example, in our lab we have a CISCO router that is used as a vocal gateway and it has received the number 5940 by the PBX; it puts the number +39-011-564 before each phone number in Politecnico that is made of four digits: so, from outside you can call 0115645940 to call the phone port of the vocal gateway.

In order to assign a personal phone number to each user of UNIK, we have to extend the dial-plan of the router in this way:

1)  59403XX00 calls the group having the group number XX (where XX is from 01 to 99)

2)  59403XXYY calls the role having role number YY within the group having group number XX

3)  59401XXXX calls the user having personal number XXXX


Currently you can contact these users:

Patricia Lago:  username (patricia) personal number (5678)

Paolo Falcarin: username (paolo) personal number (1006)


Moreover GURU implementation and configuration are detailed in this document.  

Then look also at the configuration of the SUB server to edit service properties.


Author: Paolo Falcarin

Last update: 5 August 2002 18:00 CET