Politecnico di Torino

Software Engineering Group


UNIK clients installation

1. Service subscription

First of all, open your browser to this address http://softeng.polito.it:8080/unik if you want to use our UNIK deployment; otherwise download the full package and replace the server name and the port used in your configuration.  

Now you see the rough UNIK's welcome page and you can authenticate yourself, unless you are a new user: in this case you have to register and click on the link on the right in order to insert your data:

- First Name and Last Name
- User Id: is the string that identifies you in the system and in the SIP network;
- Password: is your secret password to be used with the User Id; 
- PersonalNumber: is a number of 4 digits that identifies you in the system and in the phone network;
- PIN: is a secret number that is needed to identify you with your Personal Number. 
- Preferred Language: it allows you choosing your favorite language, but the current implementation support only English.

Once registered, if you choose the User profile page you can modify some of your data or if you choose service profile, you can subscribe to the available services.

If you select the basic communication service, you have just to select your default terminal, putting your IP address (if you are connected with a SIP client on your PC), or putting your phone number (if you are behind a PBX you have to put only the internal number, without the PBX prefix).

If you subscribe to the Phone Logger service you have to select your default e-mail address: in this case, you will be notified of each call attempt you have not answered.

2. Configure your SIP user agent

When you use launch your SIP client, configure it to use a SIP proxy server, that is the machine where the CH server run; if you use our deployed version the address is unik.polito.it and the port is 5060.

Please note that the name you use to register has to be the same you have previously put in the subscription pages, in order to be recognized by the policy evaluation engine when some filter is put in the caller address (e.g. using the Personalization application, pers.jar). 

3. Use UNIK clients

Once you have downloaded the unik-clients package, extract all files in a directory and you will find these files:

orb.cfg is a configuration file used by all the clients to connect to the CORBA naming service deployed at Politecnico: if you use a downloaded copy of UNIK servers, you have to change the address in this file; suppose that you deploy UNIK naming server on foo.bar.net listening to the port 12345, then you have to change the file content in this way:


auth.jar is the client for authentication: you can insert the couple userId and password (that identifies you on the SIP network) or the Personal Number / PIN couple, that identifies you on the PSTN network.

You must launch this application before others in order to obtain a valid token for all the other services. The files ca.der, client.key, and client.der are used by the application to establish secure SSL connections.

Use the following command line to launch the application:

java -jar auth.jar -ORBconfig orb.cfg

pers.jar is the client of the service of Personalization: this service gives you the possibility to edit your personal policies for incoming calls handling, both they come from the IP network and the PSTN network.

Using this application you can define different groups of policies (e.g: one for holidays period, another for work time, another for home time) and select one of them to be active. Each policy group contains a list of policies in the form of Event-Condition-Action.

Currently, the events implemented are synchronous communication, no-answer, busy, error; the conditions can be put on time and caller identity; actions implemented are: terminate call on a terminal (phone or PC), redirect call to another user, stop/refuse the call.

Use the following command line to launch the application:

java -jar pers.jar -ORBconfig orb.cfg

regs.jar is the client of the service of Registration: this service allows you informing UNIK servers about the current terminal location over IP network or PSTN network. This location has a higher priority than policies defined with personalization.

Use the following command line to launch the application:

java -jar regs.jar -ORBconfig orb.cfg

desk.jar is the client of the Virtual Desk service: this allows you setting up policies handling incoming calls, conditioned by caller identity and time schedules.

Use the following command line to launch the application:

java -jar desk.jar -ORBconfig orb.cfg

uniklibs.jar contains all the libraries needed by the former applications.  orb.jar contains ORBacus 3.3 used as middleware.

iaik_ssl.jar  iaik_jce_full.jar are the libraries used to establish secure SSL connections; you have to download them from  http://jcewww.iaik.at. Anyway we include an old version released with an evaluation license for non-commercial use: check the website in order to obtain information about the current releases.

If you want to understand how the clients interact with the UNIK servers, have a deep look to the UNIK architecture.

If you want to make executable the jar files on Windows platforms click here.


Author: Paolo Falcarin

Last update: 5 August 2002 18:00 CET