esem 2014 - Program
Wed 17 | Thursday 18 | Friday 19 | |||||
8:45 | Welcome | ||||||
9:00 | Keynote 1 | Keynote 2 | |||||
10:00 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | |||||
10:30 | Session 1a Testing | Session 1b Evolution | Session 1c Security | Session 4a Requirements | Session 4b Agile Methods | Session 4c Defects | |
12:00 | Lunch | Lunch | |||||
13:30 | Session 2a Maintenance | Session 2b Distributed Development | Session 2c Empirical Methods | Session 5a Modeling | Session 5b SE in Practice | Session 5c Measurement | |
15:00 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | |||||
15:30 | Session 3a Patterns | Session 3b Social/Human Aspects | Session 3c Releases | Closing | |||
16:30 | |||||||
17:00 | . . . | ||||||
19.00 | Welcome Reception | Social Dinner |
The program is preliminary and may be subject to minor changes.
All sessions last 90 minutes.Full papers presentations are allowed 30 minutes (25 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions).
Short and Industrial papers are allowed 15 minutes (10 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions).
Posters will be available in a common area during the breaks at the end of the sessions.
What Do Game Developers Test in Their Products? (Full) 17
The Impact of Test Ownership and Team Structure on the Reliability and Effectiveness of Quality Test Runs (Full) 52
A Systematic Mapping Study on Testing Technique Experiments: Has the Situation Changed since 2000? (Short) 221
Evaluating the TESTAR tool in an Industrial Case Study (Industry) 219
Debsources: Live and Historical Views on Macro-Level Software Evolution (Full) 27
A Qualitative Analysis of Software Build System Changes and Build Ownership Styles (Full) 148
The Relationship Between Folder Use and the Number of Forks: A Case Study on Github Repositories (Short) 209
A Replication Case Study to Measure the Architectural Quality of a Commercial System (Industry) 194
Using Templates to Elicit Implied Security Requirements from Functional Requirements − A Controlled Experiment (Full) 42
Discovering Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities In The Wild: An Empirical Study (Full) 45
Security Triage: An Industrial Case Study on the Effectiveness of a Lean Methodology to Identify Security Requirements (Industry) 207
FixerCache: Unsupervised Caching Active Developers for Diverse Bug Triage (Full) 59
What's in a Bug Report? (Full) 115
Effect of Temporal Collaboration Network, Maintenance Activity, and Experience on Defect Exposure (Industry) 216
Distributed Development
The Role of Mentoring and Project Characteristics for Onboarding in Open Source Software Projects (Full) 112
An Empirical Simulation-based Study of Real-Time Speech Translation for Multilingual Global Project Teams (Full) 65
Process Mining Can Be Applied to Software Too! (Industry) 200
Where Do We Stand in Requirements Engineering Improvement Today? First Results from a Mapping Study (Short) 176
Empirical Methods
Evaluating strategies for study selection in systematic literature studies (Short) 181
Writing for Synthesis of Evidence in Empirical Software Engineering (Short) 189
Using Qualitative Metasummary to Synthesize Empirical Findings in Literature Reviews (Short) 201
Towards a Framework to Support Large Scale Sampling in Software Engineering Surveys (Short) 215
Towards a Semantic Knowledge Base on Threats to Validity and Control Actions in Controlled Experiments (Short) 217
Support Mechanisms to Conduct Empirical Studies in Software Engineering (Short) 229
How do Code Refactorings Affect Energy Usage? (Full) 69
Impacts of Design Pattern Decay on System Quality (Short) 191
Evolution of Design Patterns: a Replication Study (Short) 208
Design Pattern Decay: The Case for Class Grime (Short) 222
Mining Energy Traces to Aid in Software Development: An Empirical Case Study (Industry) 164
Social/Human Aspects
Motivated software engineers are engaged and focused, while satisfied ones are happy (Full) 130
Impact of Developer Reputation on Code Review Outcomes in OSS Projects: An Empirical Investigation (Full) 124
Software Population Pyramids: The Current and the Future of OSS Development Communities (Short) 210
Estimation of Student’s Programming Expertise (Short) 192
Forking and coordination in multi-platform development: a case study (Full) 137
Monitoring Bottlenecks in Achieving Release Readiness – A Retrospective Case Study across Ten OSS Projects (Short) 165
Factors Impacting Rapid Releases: An Industrial Case Study (Industry) 224
Industrial Evaluation of the Impact of Quality-Driven Release Planning (Industry) 173
Improving Requirements Glossary Construction via Clustering: Approach and Industrial Case Studies (Full) 34
Engineering of Quality Requirements as Perceived by Near-shore Development Centres’ Architects in Eastern Europe: the Hole in the Whole (Full) 49
Evaluation in Practice: Artifact-based Requirements Engineering and Scenarios in Smart Mobility Domains (Industry) 196
On The Impact of Passive Voice Requirements on Domain Modelling (Short) 175
Agile Methods
Impact of Process Conformance on the Effects of Test-driven Development (Full) 18
On Knowledge Transfer Skill in Pair Programming (Full) 33
Networking in a Large-Scale Distributed Agile Project (Industry) 202
Sampling Improvement in Software Engineering Surveys (Short) 214
How is Exploratory Testing Used? A State-of-the-Practice Survey (Full) 41
The Effect of Evolutionary Coupling on Software Defects: An Industrial Case Study on a Legacy System (Industry) 162
Empirical and Face Validity of Software Maintenance Defect Models Used at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Industry) 230
A replicated study on duplicate detection: Using Apache Lucene to search among Android defects (Short) 178
Evaluating Capture and Replay and Model-based Performance Testing Tools: An Empirical Comparison (Industry) 218
Comparing and Contrasting Model-Driven Engineering at Three Large Companies (Full) 22
Productivity for proof engineering (Short) 167
An UML-based approach to software development cost estimation (Industry) 179
A Controlled Experiment to Evaluate the Effects of Mindfulness in Software Engineering (Full) 86
SE in Practice
Tracing Back the History of Commits in Low-tech Reviewing Environments (Full) 117
Bridging the Gap: SE Technology Transfer into Practice - Study Design and Preliminary Results - (Short) 169
Ten Years of Evidence Based Software Engineering: A Literature Review (Short) 171
What We Have Learned About the Value of Software Assurance (Industry) 233
Measuring Shared Understanding in Software Project Teams using Pathfinder Networks (Full) 121
ISBSG variables most frequently used for software effort estimation: A mapping review (Short) 166
Simple Empirical Cost Estimation Model (Short) 185
An Approach for Effort Estimation in Incremental Software Development using Cosmic Function Points (Short) 228
Empirical Analysis of Comments and Fault-proneness in Methods: Can Comments point to Faulty Methods? 170
Studying Abbreviated vs. Full-Word Identifier Names when Dealing with Faults: an External Replication 172
Classification of Project Team Patterns for Benchmarking 183
Function Point Structure and Applicability Validation Using the ISBSG Dataset: A Replicated Study 187
Enriching Source Code by Empirical Metadata 199
Tracking Line Changes in Source Code Repositories 203
Cooperation Between Software Development and Operations: A Literature Review 204
VCS-Analyzer for Software Evolution Empirical Analysis 206
Reviewing Technical Approaches for Sharing and Preservation of Experimental Data 231
Process Simulation for Software Engineering Education 232